Tips of Relocating With Your Partner

Tips of Relocating With Your Partner

When you’re moving in with your significant other, relocation to a new place can be a challenging time in any relationship. Here are some of our tips for preparing yourself and your significant other for the relocation process:

Make Sure You Both Want To Move

Before actually deciding to pack up everything and take it on the road, establish whether or not this is truly what you want to do. There are many things to consider, such as how far you’re moving, if you have kids or pets, and the fact that it can take weeks before everything settles into place. Make sure that both of you agree on this decision.

Find A “Honey-Do” List

It’s important to pack everything up which you could want from your old place, but don’t pack everything that would take weeks to unpack. Instead of this, make a “honey-do” list of chores that you can do for your significant other once you moved in together. If you’re handy with painting and a bit of a kitchen-reno enthusiast, pack up the paintbrushes and some tile grout to make your significant other feels like you’re already contributing.

Get Everything Settled In

Make it clear to your significant other that because it’s your first time living together, both of you are going to be adjusting. Ensure that this is not communicated negatively, but rather as you’re both being considerate by letting one another have proper time to settle into your new living space.

Get To Know The Neighbors

One thing that is important for any relationship is communication. Make sure that you and your significant other become acquainted with all of the neighbors within the apartment complex or area that you’re moving in.

Reach Out To Friends & Family

One of the best ways to making things easier for you and your significant other is to reach out to friends and family who live nearby.

If you’re considering relocation to Chicago, look for White-Glove Moving Services. White-Glove is a moving company that specializes in household relocation and commercial moves. If you want to pack light or pack large, be sure not to hesitate to move with us!