Moving To Chicago During Coronavirus

Moving To Chicago During Coronavirus

As the stay-at-home order is over, America sees a jump in moving locally and cross-states. Whatever reason you have to move to Chicago, we prepared some tips on how to do it safely during the pandemic time.

What Are COVID-19 Recommendations in Illinois?

You can find more details on the IDPH (Illinois Department Of Public Health) site, but here we will keep the general guides:

  • CDC recommends that all nonessential international travel be postponed.
  • Employees who are sick are encouraged to stay home;
  • Frequently touched surfaces have to be cleaned regularly;

Business is getting back to operate step by step; facilities are getting reopen; life slowly seems normal again. But the restrictions are different state by state, check here the current state of the recovering plan.


The State Of Illinois published Restore Illinois Plan. As of 26th June, the state moved to Phase 4 of reopening. This is what it means:

  • Gatherings of 50 people or fewer are allowed;
  • Restaurants and bars reopen;
  • Travel resumes;
  • Child care and schools reopen under guidance from the IDPH;
  • People to keep social distancing and wear face masks.

Restrictions got lighten, but the disease stays as dangerous as it was, so there are still rules to follow to reduce and avoid possible virus spread. If you decide to hire a moving company, check on their website, or make a call to check what exactly they do to protect you and their employees.


What Moving Companies Do Differently?

  • Moving crews wear face masks and keep social distancing;
  • Trucks are equipped with disinfectors;
  • Sick employees stay home;
  • Some companies provide online estimation instead of in person.


What Should You Do Differently?

  • If you or your family members were in contact with an infected person or had its symptoms, call your movers to cancel it or postpone;
  • As the virus can be dangerous for hours and days on surfaces, finish packing at least 24 hours before moving day;
  • Don’t use old boxes for packing for the same reason. You can always order boxes at your moving company or rent plastic crates.
  • Replenish sanitizers and consider deep cleaning your house.