How To Keep Your Home Organized After A Move

How To Keep Your Home Organized After A Move

Seeing your house turning into a mess more and more every day from Monday to Friday and then dedicating all Saturday on ultimate cleaning, having no power to enjoy the rest of the day? Feeling that one day left from the weekend, and it’s not enough? If that’s what you experience in your daily life, even after unpacking is over, here’s how to break this vicious circle and start enjoying cleaning and organized house.


 Aim one mission per day

Instead of dedicating the whole day to deep cleaning and having a mess growing gradually, try to break down all the cleaning routine into one-two missions per day. E.g., on Monday, you are only mopping the floor, on Tuesday you are taking care of all surfaces by removing dust and cleaning glass. On Wednesday, you are cleaning only the kitchen area, on Thursday – all the bathrooms’ surfaces and plumbing, and Friday you are dedicating to laundry. This way, you can avoid growing mess and spending the whole day off on the cleaning. You won’t feel exhausted but will be able to enjoy your house clean every day. And actually, you will have the entire weekend to spend on yourself and your fave moments.


Five-minute organizing rule

If you don’t tend to put things back after using, you should try one rule. This is “a five-minute organizing rule” to maintain your belongings organized and at the right place. It’s effortless and smart from our psychological reaction. When we think that we should clean, we tend to resist, and it’s definitely not something that can make us smile. But if you know it’s only five-minute cleaning, you will probably take it quite easily. Be strict and put a timer, no cheating! Just five-minute cleaning before going to sleep, putting all the things to their places, and you are done! You’ll wake up in a neat and lovely apartment. If you share the house with a partner, kids, it’s essential to involve everyone and make this rule the same for everyone. You’ll be amazed that on some days you’ll have nothing to clean! Oh, really, what can be better?