How to Downsize Your Home Before a Move

How to Downsize Your Home Before a Move

Living in a big house can be wonderful for some families but it can also be expensive and require a lot of upkeep. This is especially true when your kids have grown up and moved out. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed in your current home moving to a smaller place might be a good choice for your finances and peace of mind.

But the thought of decluttering and downsizing can feel overwhelming. If you’re planning to move to a smaller home and need some guidance here are some straightforward tips to help make the process smoother and less stressful.

Most Effective Downsizing & Decluttering Tips

Take Inventory of Your Belongings

When moving to a smaller home you won’t have as much room for all the things you’ve collected over the years. Before you start packing it’s essential to go through everything you own.

As you sort through your items focus on what you truly need versus what you simply want. If you find something you haven’t used in the past year it’s likely time to part with it. And if you stumble upon something you forgot you even owned it’s definitely time to let it go. The goal of downsizing is to make your life simpler, so only keep what’s necessary.

Downsizing Tip

Begin decluttering with these three easy steps. First, set a timeline and clear goals for your downsizing project. Next, create a system to sort through your belongings. After deciding what to keep and what to let go of, start clearing out the clutter from your home. You Can Also Read Our Decluttering Tips for Hoarders.”

Sort Through Items Room-by-Room & Minimize Duplicates

To stay organized while sorting through your belongings it’s helpful to use a simple system. The Three-Box Method is a great way to make decisions item by item. Grab three containers or bins and label them as “Keep,” “Discard” and “Store.” Hold on to items that you use regularly in your daily life.

Keep things that you use regularly in your daily life. Once you’ve filled the “Keep” box in each room, pack it up and label it for easier moving and unpacking.

For items you no longer need, place them in the “Get Rid Of” box. After sorting you can further divide these items into what will be donated, given to family or thrown away if they are worn out or broken.

Lastly, put sentimental or seasonal items in the “Put In Storage” box. After finishing each room transfer these items into clearly labeled storage containers.

Downsizing Tip

In each room take note of items you have more than one of and only keep your favorites or the ones in good condition. The kitchen is often a place where duplicates pile up so be especially mindful when decluttering this area.”

Create a Plan to Get Rid of Unwanted Items

Once you’ve decided which items won’t be moving with you, there are several ways to get rid of them:

  • Donate or Freecycle: Give away items you no longer need to those who can use them. Local charities often accept clothing, shoes and household items in good condition. You can also use websites like freecycle or join a Facebook resale group to find someone who could use your items.
  • Have a Yard Sale: What you no longer need might be valuable to someone else. If you’re downsizing a lot before your move consider holding a yard sale to earn some extra money. Items like furniture, toys, books, children’s clothes, power tools and lawn equipment tend to sell well.
  • Rent a Dumpster: Not everything you’re discarding will be in good enough condition to donate or sell. If you have a lot to declutter or need to get rid of large items like broken appliances or worn-out furniture renting a dumpster can be a hassle-free solution.
  • Pass Down to Loved Ones: It can be hard to part with sentimental items that hold memories. If you have family heirlooms or items with sentimental value that you no longer need consider passing them on to family members or friends who might appreciate them.

Downsizing Tip for Seniors

When parting with belongings you can keep the memories and emotions attached to them by:

  • Taking a picture of the item.
  • Writing down a description of the item and the memories it brings back.
  • Giving it to a family member who would appreciate it.
  • Donating it to a charity to help someone in need.
  • Repurposing it into something useful like turning old clothes into a quilt.

Go Digital When Possible

Over the years, paper clutter can really build up. Take some time to go through old bills, receipts, and other documents, and recycle anything you no longer need. Store important older paper files like tax records from the last decade in a plastic bin. For other records and receipts you might need later, scan them to create digital copies, then shred and discard the originals.

You can also turn your home movies, music, and photos into digital files. This will save space in your living room and office without making you give up items you want to keep. With so many streaming services available it might not be worth holding onto old VHS tapes, scratched DVDs or CDs. If you’re unsure, it’s usually best to let them go or recycle them.

Make the Most of Your Storage Spaces

When moving to a smaller home it’s essential to make the best use of the storage space you have. Even if your new home doesn’t have a basement, attic or garage here are some tips to help you stay organized:

  • Create Built-In Storage: Use multifunctional furniture like storage ottomans, platform beds with drawers, entertainment centers, wardrobes, bookshelves and baskets to hide and reduce clutter. Traditional shelving units are also a reliable option.
  • Use Wall Space: Floating shelves are perfect for displaying small items and adding storage in your kitchen, bedroom or bathroom.
  • Take Advantage of Hidden Spaces: Make the most of areas like under the stairs, closets and crawl spaces for storing seasonal or sentimental items. You can add floating shelves, cubbies or stack clear plastic bins in these spots to keep things organized and easy to find. In small bathrooms consider over-the-door hooks, towel racks, standalone shelves, under-counter bins, over-the-toilet shelving units and a medicine cabinet to maximize space.

Measure Furniture & Hold Off on Buying New Things

Your new smaller home might not have enough space for all your current furniture. While sorting through your belongings take measurements of your furniture to see if it will fit in your new space or if you’ll need to let some pieces go. It’s much easier to figure this out beforehand rather than discovering that your large couch doesn’t fit once you’ve moved.

For the same reason it’s a good idea to wait on buying new items until you have a clear understanding of the space in your new home.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Deciding when to downsize is just as important as figuring out how to do it. Decluttering takes time so make sure you give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to plan your move and reduce your belongings. Avoid the stress of last-minute decisions by allowing yourself the time to think carefully about what to keep and what to let go of.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s family, friends or a professional service, having extra hands can make the process of clearing out your home and moving into your new one much easier.

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.”


How to Downsize Your Closet?

Start by sorting your clothes into categories: keep, donate and discard. Focus on keeping items you wear regularly or love the most. Consider donating clothes you haven’t worn in the past year. For seasonal clothes, store them separately to free up space in your closet.

How to Downsize Clothes?

To downsize your clothes go through each item and ask yourself if you still wear it, if it fits well and if you love it. Donate or discard anything that doesn’t meet these criteria. You can also consider capsule wardrobe strategies where you keep only a small versatile selection of clothes.

How to Downsize When Moving?

Start by taking inventory of your belongings and deciding what you really need in your new home. Focus on reducing duplicate items and those you haven’t used in a while. Donate, sell or discard items that won’t fit in your new space. Begin packing early to avoid the stress of last-minute decisions.

How to Downsize Without Moving?

Even if you’re not moving, downsizing can simplify your life. Start by decluttering one room at a time focusing on items you no longer need or use. Consider donating or selling these items. Use smart storage solutions to make the most of the space you have.

How to Deal with Downsizing Your Home?

Downsizing your home can be emotional. Focus on the benefits such as reduced maintenance and costs. Take your time sorting through belongings keeping only what’s essential or meaningful. It’s okay to ask for help from family or friends during the process. Remember that downsizing can lead to a simpler more manageable lifestyle.